Scandinavian Capital Markets Add cTrader Copy

Aug 17, 2020

We are glad to have yet another one of our brokers – Scandinavian Capital Markets, add cTrader Copy to their cTrader platform.

cTrader Copy, rightfully known as one of the most transparent and effective social trading tools on the market, is a major part of the complete trading experience we aim to deliver to our brokers and their clients.

Falling in line with our Traders First™ motto, it caters to the needs of all, offering less experienced traders the opportunity to learn the markets by following expert providers’ strategies, and allowing professional traders to share their knowledge, while attaining some extra income in progress.

As social trading gains more and more popularity, we encourage our brokers to benefit from the full scope of what the platform has to offer by making use of cTrader Copy to add value to their traders, as well as to gain an extra competitive edge and increase their market share.

If you are interested in adding cTrader Copy to your platform, or would like to find more – don’t hesitate to reach out to us today.

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